Increasing amount of customers these days asked regards what are their most important dreams they would like to fulfill as instantly as possible, say that they would like to become successful as owners of their own businesses. It is indicated by the fact that similar possibility would give them a possibility to become independent from our superiors, we in most cases think to be one of the most popular reasons why we would like to leave our job.


Autor: Zenspa1
Despite the fact that increasing amount of people are talking about participatory style of management, which would also involve miscellaneous people in the decisions done by managers, in similar situation we are recommended to remember that in the area of services it still is only a myth. It is connected with the fact that the theory considerably differs from the practice and, hence, a lot of people find themselves not enough appreciated at their work. Consequently, thanks to a relatively dynamic progress that can be observed in the area of services, we ought to remember that this field offers us plenty of chances regards achieving satisfaction as an owner of our own business. It is indicated by the fact that compared with other fields of economy, the role played by the in the top shown one is beyond doubt becoming increasingly bigger compared with agriculture and industry. This proves that if we are looking for a niche we would be able to fill, we are advised to concentrate on the area, which frequently generates more than 70 per cent of GDP.


Autor: Special Olympics Connaught
Taking everything into consideration, if we would like to make come true the dreams of being successful and have our own start-up, doing this in the topic of services is clearly worth our interest. This field then is considered to be frequently developing, which indicates that it offers us quite extended possibilities in the future. Thus, if we dream about finally being independent finding out what type of non-material goods the customers need may support us reach this aim.