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What has led to the fact that the field ...

Services is a an area, which analyzing the thoughts as well as researches made by different specialists in the area of economy is something necessary for the existence of each country. It is indicated by the fact that owing to the series of miscellaneous changes and progress its role concerning contributing to the total GDP growth in majority of countries has considerably increased.

Real properties market in Poland continu...

Real estate market is one of these sectors of Polish market that is constantly growing. It had some hard moments and problems during the financial crisis a few years ago. Nevertheless, those days it is a lucrative sector again. Because of this, this attracted lots of new enterprises that do their best to become leaders in that market.

Services – what this term exactly stands

Increasing number of specialists nowadays that are asked about the economic situation on our planet, mention some points they have in common, but there are also field that lead to other opinions. In terms of the first side we can regularly discover that there are experts that think that monetary union isn’t the best idea, especially in terms of having worse-developed countries such as Greece as a member.