Consequently, as a variety of the owners of restaurants there convince, there is plenty various offers concerning a wedding in Verona and increasing number of abroad users of this kind a service. The main advantage of such alternative is that we can inter alia give our guest a possibility to visit this glorious country and, firstly, see the beautiful architecture of Verona on our own eyes. Even though everything seems to be pretty fine, in most cases plenty people believe that there are too many problems, above all in terms of the price. (Organization weddings outside the Poland. The next step is: greatest time of your entire life spend in the hall of tapestries at the Palazzo Barbieri) Hence, we need to remember that there are plenty options due to which we can achieve a great costs’ reduction. It is so, because we can for example only rent a place for a reception and organize all of the wedding in Verona on our own. It is proved by improving percentage of different users that due to deciding for similar service we can achieve full satisfaction and have a great wedding for a price really similar to those given in our home country. Hence, if we would like our wedding to be wonderful, we need to take the above analyzed service into consideration.