Many guys decide to go for exterior house painting due to the fact that it is able to totally change the general look of house with no rebuilding. However, exterior house painting requires a bit more preparation and taking into consideration some extra aspects. Why? Simply because exterior walls are continually exposed to various, often harsh, weather conditions. So, below you can find useful tips and suggestions that could help you to conduct exterior house painting as easy as possible.

Firstly, it is important to plan painting time cautiously – more information. You shouldn’t paint your house while it is raining or humid outside. Why? There are 2 main reasons. First of all, paint can adhere properly only to a surface which is dry. Second, once you have done the job, paint needs time to dry and this would be impossible while it is raining outside.

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Thus, you better choose very carefully the month as well as weather forecast.

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Additionally, surfaces have to be properly prepare so paint can stick to it. It means that surface cannot be dirty or rough. It is important to consider washing and sanding the surface prior the painting. Other helpful tip is – do not try to safe money on paint. If you choose cheaper one, you might lose money later on. High quality paint means that the colour would stay much longer as well as looks better.

This is important to keep in mind gravity while painting. To avoid drips and streaks, it is worth painting from top to bottom.

Some individuals make a decision to go for paperhanging, instead of standard painting.

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This absolutely looks charming due to the fact that it enables to obtain look and patterns which will be harsh, or even impossible, to get by simple painting. However, it is important to keep in mind that every kind of paper absorbs water. Thus, if you wonder about paperhanging for exterior of a house, you need to double check that the climate and other factors are not going to destroy it later. Possibly this will be worth to consider it only in this part of exterior house, that is somehow protected from rain as well humidity? However, 1 thing is certain – paperhanging is a new trend. And we would definitely hear more about this in the future.